Middle School

Beginning in Middle School, our goal is to help each student manage the excitement that accompanies this new range of experiences and expectations. We continually reinforce the study skills and organizational strategies necessary for success in high school. Students change classes throughout the day, gaining exposure to different teachers and styles. ASB follows a block schedule system, which mirrors many college prep high school programs. These longer periods allow students more classroom time to dive deeper and apply information in both labs and discussion.
As part of our mission and providing service to the entire community, students begin a three year journey called Missionary Discipleship. Missionary Discipleship differs from community service or volunteer work because the education of the student is at the core. ASB students graduate as respectful and contributing members of the local and global community.
Middle school students who require an additional level of support, may qualify for The Reinventing Achievement and Development Program – also known as RAD. In this support program, students gain systematic academic, executive functioning, and social/emotional support in a small group setting. Through RAD, students learn to successfully navigate the increasing demands of middle school education, and prepare for their upcoming transition to high school.
ASB School uses the Common Core State Standards in all mathematics classes. All teachers use a varied approach to instruction and assessment to ensure that all students are challenged at an appropriate level and learning key concepts appropriate to their age and development. In addition to student outcomes, the School-wide Learning Expectations (SLEs) are integrated into the mathematics curriculum in the following ways:
  • Students will communicate effectively by solving problems using words, numbers, and pictures. This will be done individually and in groups with an emphasis on articulating the thought processes involved in reaching an answer.
  • Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by investigating and analyzing possible strategies to solve problems. They will draw conclusions, verify results and check for reasonableness of solutions.
  • Students will demonstrate that they are lifelong learners by showing curiosity and enthusiasm for applying mathematical concepts in daily life, and to other academic areas.
  • Students strive for excellence by assessing their own areas of strength and for growth in the area of mathematics. They set personal standards of quality for their own performance.
  • Students live as people of integrity within their community by working through problems in large and small groups and by showing a willingness to help classmates who struggle.
The following are the norms we have established in all middle school math classes:
    • Everyone can learn math to the highest levels
    • Mistakes are valuable
    • Questions are really important
    • Math is about creativity and making sense
    • Math class is about learning not performing
    • Math is about connections and communicating
    • Depth is more important than speed

Grading Policies: Tests, quizzes and checkpoint assessments are used to determine student’s overall grade for mathematics. Completion of daily assignments provides practice and quick feedback on their progress toward understanding standards.
Service has always been a core pillar of the ASB community. As members of the Catholic faith, we are called to serve the marginalized through the Catholic Social Teachings of Solidarity, Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, Rights and Responsibilities, and Call to Family, Community, and Participation. As our students develop their understanding of our faith and the subsequent call to service, we move them to an understanding of missionary discipleship. Missionary discipleship differs from community service or volunteer work because the education of the student is at the core. Missionary discipleship is a method in which classroom learning is applied through action that addresses an authentic community need and provides structured time for reflection on the service experience and demonstration of acquired skills and knowledge. Because the education of the student is at the core of student learning, student participation in the process is essential.

Our Student Learning Expectations state that we expect our students to graduate as contributing members to both their local and global community. In order for service and/or missionary discipleship to be meaningful and stay with our graduates as they move on, it is the responsibility of the school to explicitly create meaningful service experiences for students that include education in the classroom, participation in service, and meaningful reflection on the experience.
Students focus on marginalized groups appropriate to their age group:
6th Grade: Service to the School and Parish Faith Communities
  • Christmas Giving: “Give a Coat for Christmas” Drive (for Mercy Magnuson Place)
  • 6th grade – Free Dress Food Drive: This includes monthly distribution of food drive bags to classrooms, delivery of donations to Assumption Parish food pantry for St. Vincent de Paul, and pick-up/return of empty food bags for ongoing drives.
  • Masses (altar serving and liturgical preparation): pending
7th Grade: Poverty, Food Scarcity & Race/Ethnicity
  • Christmas Giving: “Give a Coat for Christmas” Drive (for Mercy Magnuson Place)
  • 7th Grade - St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank service days
  • 8th Grade - Mercy Magnuson Place Housing: food pantry and yard clean-up service days
Parish/Faith Community Service for 6th-8th Grades: (two hours of service per trimester)
In addition to the school coordinated service projects, each 6th-8th grade student will be required to provide service hours (two hours per trimester), outside of the school day, to the faith community where their family attends and participates based on the following: 
  1. The school parish where the family is registered and attends (i.e.: Assumption or St. Bridget).
  1. The church or faith community (Catholic or non-Catholic) where the family attends.
  1. If not affiliated with any specific faith community, service to a marginalized individual or agency. Students are also welcome to volunteer at one of the parishes.
 NOTE: Students/Parents will be required to complete a “Plan of Service” form for their Parish/Faith Community Service. Students will also complete a reflection each trimester on this service, along with verification of completion.